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Strategies to help today's working families in Northeast CT, MA and RI.

About Jared

Even as a high school student, I worked with 6-8th graders on footwork during soccer season and jump shots during basketball season. There was something in working with and teaching kids that appealed to me. After graduating high school I knew that I wanted to become a teacher of some kind. Very soon in my freshman year I settled on Elementary Education.

During my studies, I worked as a caregiver to several children. During late mornings and afternoons I would learn book theory and then get practical experience in the evenings. I was responsible for getting dinner on the table, seeing the homework through, and even bedtime during some nights. Families are often stressed with the balance that exists between work and home life. Children often don’t understand that simply because you’re now home, that may not mean the end of the work day.

After I graduated from Texas Christian University with a Bachelor in Elementary Education, I worked in public schools in Missouri and in my home state of Connecticut. I have been a substitute, paraprofessional, and classroom teacher. I saw how effective teachers made their point. I also saw which strategies did not work. My unique experience as a nanny, early childcare professional, and public school teacher has not only given me insight into the variety of children but also parenting styles. This is what separates from other parent educators.

Children respond to those that give them respect and allow their voice to be heard. In the case of young children, they may not know the definition of respect but as humans we know what it feels like. When you take an active interest in a child’s life and ask questions, you deepen the relationship just a little bit more. I’ve learned that yelling, and blatant displays of anger simply continue the cycle of anger and yelling. All of us have emotions and when we teach children how to express those feelings, we also should practice ourselves.

Children need the boundaries that adults create in order to feel that their world makes sense. They need boundaries to feel safe. The question is, how do you create those boundaries? We communicate. We give them power over what happens when those boundaries are crossed. Children truly thrive when we give them the responsibility to do so. The easiest way to learn what children want us to know is by listening.

As a teacher in an early education environment I have seen children of different backgrounds learn responsibility, care for their environment, and work to develop empathy for others. Choices are presented daily for each child and from those choices we as adults act accordingly.

I chose to become a Cooperative Kids Instructor because the program mirrors my philosophy and beliefs more than any other available. The Love, Limits, & Lessons course as well as working with me in private sessions, will support you reaching your goal. I continue to develop the strategies I have learned because one can never stop learning.

I have a passion to work with parents/caregivers and find solutions to whatever situations they face. I look forward to working with your family.

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at the sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground" ~Zora Neale Hurston