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Potty Training

A child who is learning to use the toilet is undergoing a very personal experience. It is a mix of emotional and physical development. Bladder control and muscle development must work in concert with a child’s own willingness to notice when to “go.’ Much of the time this process does not operate on the parent’s schedule. I have not heard yet from a parent who would not like it to go as fast as possible. That may be because of the cost of diapers these days, or perhaps you’re using cloth diapers and doing laundry every day has become cumbersome.

Many parents use pull-ups, going at routine times of day, or smaller child sized toilets in order to help them accomplish potty training. Children generally master control of their body between the ages of 2 and 5. Obviously with such a large range, some may learn to use the toilet earlier and some a bit later. There can be distinct cultural differences that dictate when a child is trained as well.

After completing a questionnaire we will meet and discuss the survey and what your goals are during this process. These are questions that have been asked by other parents at one time or another.

  1. Is there a right time/age for sitting my child on the toilet?
  2. Are there any signs to look for that will tell me my child is ready?
  3. I am pregnant and due in a few months. Can I expect my child who is in pull-ups to be trained by that time?
  4. My husband and I get upset that our 2 year old who has been using the toilet regularly is having accidents. I thought we were past this, is it normal?

I can help to answer these questions. If you would like a consult please contact me.

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." ~Benjamin Franklin