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Strategies to help today's working families in Northeast CT, MA and RI.


Dear Families,
                   I have spoken with many of you through the vast forms of communication this holiday season, but I wanted to speak to you all at once.  For all of you who have taken the time to seek me out with a question about new babies in the house with an existing young one.  Some of you with questions about balancing time between all of your kids have brought me situations that make me every day adjust and add to the tenets that I teach.  

    I learn each and every time you bring your questions to me. There is never a question where I wonder why did they bring this to me?  Because even though I teach a philosophy every situation is somewhat different and every situation is difficult for those people involved.  It is important to me that I have your trust.  Trust and integrity is fundamental when you are working to strengthen the bonds between parent and child.  It is very important to me that I uphold these values as well whenever I am given a chance to work with any of you.  

    The last year was a time of great change.  Your children are a year older, and have had another year of experience in this great world of ours.  They may have seen wonderful things wherever you are, or they might have seen the worst examples of humanity.  I really hope that it’s been the former but I know that unfortunately that is not always the case.  That is why it is up to each of us to do our best, and be our best as much as possible.  We can never control the outside factors that put pressure on our young children.  For those of us who care for children, work with children, we must always give them a model to look up to.  Show them our best even when they test us.  

    We are human.  I am writing this as I hear about the death of Debbie Reynolds.  It reminds me once again how the moments are fragile.  The adolescents in our care don’t think of the passing of a person like Carrie Fisher or George Michael to be thought provoking but for many us us it is.  Mortality.  For me with this rash of end of year deaths it has reaffirmed my belief that the “moments” you share with your child mean everything.  I hope that this Christmas, or Hannukah have brought you good memories and wonderful family experiences.  I am humbled that you have taken the time to read my postings, attended forums, or reached out to me for advice.  I value each of you and look forward to seeing or hearing from you in the new year.

All My Best,
             Jared Haines

New Parenting Forum Dates

Happy Veterans Day! This November 11, I will be traveling to four in the CT and MA area.

November 11
9:00-10:00 Storrs CT
11:30-12:30 Manchester CT
2:00-3:00 I"ll be in Sprinfield, MA
6:00-7:00 Enfield, CT

Please be advised that these forums are located in private residences. They were organized by the home's owners. First come first serve for these free forums. Please contact me at 860-483-8737 for space availability.

I Really Don't Like My Child's Teacher!

Moms can make time for themselves by using ‘fringe hours’ Read more >>

New Parent Forum Dates:
4/22 6-7 Cranston, RI
4/23 6-7 Southbridge, MA
4/24  5-7  South Hadley, MA
4/26  11-12pm  Norwich, CT
Read More>>

Who can afford to have kids in today's economy?

Civics goes missing from school curriculum

Of all I read about July 4 on that celebratory day, by far the most important and not otherwise mentioned anywhere else was an article titled “Celebrating History We Don’t Remember” by Ashley Bateman of the Lexington Institute in Arlington, Va .... Read more >>

With no Internet at home, kids crowd libraries for online homework Read more >>

What do I do with all those 2014 Christmas cards? Read more >>

Study: Sexting is ‘new norm’ for teens

New Dates For JMHaines Parenting Forums

CDC:  American Kids Consume Way Too Much Salt
More than 90 percent of U.S. schoolchildren eat more salt than they should.. Read more >>

CDC:  Many overweight kids in denial about their weight
New government data suggest a non-medical cause of America’s childhood obesity crisis: denial. Read more >>

Improved parenting may fortify children against poverty’s effects
For children growing up in poverty, the seeds of poor health in adulthood appear to be sown early.  But a nurturing parent may be able to foster a child’s resilience to such conditions as allergies, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers, says a new study. Read more >>

New Dates/Locations For JM Haines Parent Education Forums
7/16/14  South Windsor, CT 8:00 -9:00 pm
7/17/14  Nashua, NH  6:00-8:00 pm
7/19/14 Cumberland, RI 3:00-4:30 pm 
7/22/14  Northampton, MA  6:00-7:30 pm

New study focuses on teens’ financial literacy
When it comes to managing money, the nation’s 15 year olds can hold their own against the world, but just barely.  A new, first-of-its-kind financial literacy study conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment---the group that annually tells us how lackluster American teens are when it comes to reading, math and science----was released last week. Read more >>

New Dates/Locations For JM Haines Parent Education Forums
5/13/14 Bloomfield, CT 6-7:30
5/15/14 Simsbury, CT 7:00-8
5/16/14 Springfield, MA 6-7:30

Tooth Fairy Decides to be Generous With Her Money in 2014
Take it as a sign that after years of a struggling economy, the Tooth Fairy, at least, is back on her feet. Last year saw a marked increase in the value of children’s teeth. Read more >>

Mindful meditation makes kids go ommm
Los Angeles ----Erica Eihl speaks in a voice that her kindergartners can hear only if they are as quiet as the church mice in children’s storybooks.

And with a couple of squirrelly exceptions, they stay that quiet for 15 or 20 minutes ---a near eternity as Eihl guides them to use all their senses to consider a piece of apple, with directions such as, “Looking at the apple, look on the outside. Look on the inside. Remember, keep it in your palm and just look at it.” Read more >>

Women may lack knowledge about getting pregnant, research indicates
Only 50 percent of women discuss their reproductive health with medical providers, according to a recent study by the Yale School of Medicine. However, 75 percent of the 1,000 subjects identified women’s health-care providers as their top source of reproductive health-related information. Researchers believe this lack of dialogue has led to a number of misbeliefs about conception. Read more >>

Millennials opting out or waiting to have children
Grand Forks, N.D.---With graduation just around the corner, Becki Degeest, of Moorhead, Minn., might not know what is in store for her future as she endlessly applies for various jobs in cities around the world. But, she knows one thing that’s not in her future: children. Read more >>

Video Games and the Language Barrier
Recently I traveled to my local GameStop to purchase a new game as a birthday present.  While I can’t say I’m an avid gamer I do appreciate the work that goes into creating games from C (Early Childhood) to A (Adults Only).   I won’t focus this column on whether or not children should be playing video games because that is a decision for each person caring for a child to make.  I instead focus on a situation that I observed while I was in the store. Read more >>

Unmarried with Children
Does being married necessarily make people better parents? 

After the American Academy of Pediatrics announced its support for equal marriage rights for same-sex partners “as the best way to guarantee benefits and security for their children,” advocates for the umarried, while applauding the move, took exception to the language. Read more >>

Parenting Forum
February 6, 2014
Join JMHaines Parent Education as we present a free parenting forum on Thursday, February 6th from 7-8pm. Please contact JMHaines Parent Education for location as this is a private residence and space is limited. Read more >>

What do I do with all those 2013 Christmas cards?
January 20, 2014
We all have our pile of Christmas cards. Uncle Richard took a picture of the new car and that was his card. Grandma Shirley sent a picture of her prized roses along with the yearly family portrait. In a lot of ways each of those photos are time capsules and every year they change. Read more >>

Pleasures of being a stay-at-home dad
January 19, 2014
When Nate Ulmer takes his children to the playground during the day, he is usually the only father there. Read more >>

What should we expect from preschool education?
Each morning at Sinan Road Kindergarten in Shanghai, a child stands in front of the class and tells a story. One morning, I watched a 4-year old Ziyu told a 10-minute story about a group of animals frightened by a strange sound. When he finished, his teacher asked the class: “Shall we make him storytelling king? Did he do a good job?” Read more >>

School Vacation Ideas
December 26, 2013
For many of us, it is the day after Christmas when the wrapping paper and bows that dotted the floor yesterday all find their way to being reused or to the trash.  When I was younger my friend’s family called it the “Big Clean Up.”  It is a special time of year whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, or Kwanzaa which starts today.  Read more >>

Single Father Parenting Group
December 1, 2013, 11:00 am
Storrs, CT
If you are a single father looking for advice or to hear about the experiences of other single fathers please join us.  While JMHaines Parent Education will be “moderating” this discussion it is much more an opportunity for all to share their thoughts and feelings on their challenges.  If you would like, please consider bringing some form of snack but it is not necessary.  Because this discussion is taking place at a private residence please contact us for further details.

My reaction to Nina Burleigh’s "Sexting, Shame & Suicide"
In the September 26, 2013 issue of Rolling Stone there is an article that caused me to immediately put pen to paper after reading it. It is an article written by Nina Burleigh entitled, “Sexting, Shame & Suicide.” It is not an easy read, but one that I think is worthwhile to anyone who has children of any age at home or those who are curious about the issues facing adolescents right now. It was the rare article where I finished reading and was silently outraged. I sunk further into my chair and just thought for a moment about the wasted life of the young girl, and the issues we face if we want to prevent further tragedy. Read more >>

Exercise balls used to control squirming kids
Eustice, Fla.—When Seminole Springs Elementary teacher Stephanie Burnett told her colleagues she was going to issue bouncy, inflatable stability balls to her wiggly 6- and 7- year old students instead of desk chairs, the initial reaction was shock. Read more >>